Monday, September 27, 2010

Ecclesiastes 10:18

Because of laziness the building decays,
And through idleness of hands the house leaks. Ecclesiastes 10:18

Before we allowed our house (building) to decay, at the end of the summer, we had our roof assessed by our insurance agent to see if it needed replaced because of hail damage over the course of the past decade. It did. After we purchased materials, we decided to do the roofing ourselves (mostly by my husband). Since school started, he knew he wouldn’t have the help of his wife and children.

Today, we have the day off from school (teachers’ meetings). So, at 7 AM, we all slowly made our way to the roof and began peeling off the old shingles and throwing them into a trailer below. It’s been hard work. Of course, we’ve been hearing a lot of moaning, but I’m reminding everyone of this verse in Ecclesiastes, that through idleness of hands the house leaks. They got a good chuckle from that. It’s actually been kind of fun. Backbreaking (for me anyway, as the age of forty gets closer and closer). Still, it’s enjoyable on this cool autumn morning, to work alongside my husband and children.

1 comment:

  1. Love it! Maybe I should post that verse in our bathroom where we currently have a dark spot on the ceiling from an apparent leak in the roof. : )
