Friday, June 14, 2013

Proverbs 12:10a

A righteous man regards the life of his animal, Proverbs 12:10a

Week 2 for my art challenge: my favorite animal in colored pencil.  I chose my cat, Tigger.

I am very happy the Lord saw fit to create cats. I love them. Growing up, my family had numerous cats, and since getting married, we've had four friendly felines. Each time, I say the current one is my favorite, whether that’s really true or not, I guess I just forget about the past cats. Tigger isn't very cuddly with me, as he is with our daughter, but he has such personality that he just makes me laugh. He is very needy in that he yearns for affection first thing in the morning, and can have a conversation with his meowing that you’d think he really was talking to you. He does nothing productive besides hunting bugs (and then has stomach issues later because of that) and lies around and sleeps all day (and all night). Oh, the life of a cat. Thank you, Lord, for creating them.    

1 comment:

  1. What a darling picture! I was just thinking the other day how much I miss cats. I'll always love dogs the most, but we did have a couple of cats when I was a teenager and my college roommate had a cat, and I enjoyed them all. But Marc is horribly allergic to cats, so no cats for us. : )
